Collection: Corporate plant design & maintenance services

Plants for businesses in Greater Montreal

Add plants to your offices, stores and restaurants

The trend is towards working from home or in a hybrid formula, and increasingly, biophilic design in the workplace, i.e. the beneficial connection between humans and nature in the design of workspaces, is becoming an important factor in attracting employees to the office.

In fact, the benefits of integrating houseplants into the workplace are numerous!

Add plants to your office, your business or, better still, plan a lively workplace with a beautiful plant layout and offer a pretty plant to those who work at home, and you'll notice the following improvements:

  • better-performing colleagues
  • more focused work teams
  • improved employee engagement
  • less absenteeism and sick days
  • more productive work teams
  • better-tempered employees
  • reduced stress and anxiety
  • greater creativity

All thanks to the addition of plants to your office!

Would you like to try out the benefits of plants in the workplace and see if a beautiful plant layout can be very profitable for your company, as proven by numerous studies published in academic publications such as the Journal of Experimental Psychology Applied,Université Laval, as well as recognized works such as the book Biophilic Design: The Theory, Science and Practice of Bringing Buildings to Life?

Plant maintenance services for corporate and commercial environments

Miss Boon offers corporate horticultural maintenance services on a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly and seasonal basis to businesses in the Greater Montreal area. Rates vary according to the number of plants to be maintained. Services include watering, trimming, fertilization, rotation, pest and disease control.

Contact Miss Boon to discuss your plant ideas.